Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well I am currently living out of boxes. It sucks. Thankfully the movers come in one week so I can get all this crap outta my way! This is what my room looks like. Terrible!

Oh and thats just the bedroom. I am shocked at the amount of boxes in the garage. How does a 26 year old accumulate this much stuff in my short 7 years of living on my own?
I know it will all be worth it in the end, because I will finally be with Gary! In two short weeks I will be living in Charleston! Well, that is if Gary doesn't kick me out when he sees the amount of stuff I have. Wish me luck.

Friday, May 16, 2008 it is! Our new blog! I thought it would be good to start one so y'all could keep track of what we're up to since we'll be living thousands of miles away from Cali in beautiful Charleston, SC! I am kind of a slacker so I will do my best to keep up! Wish me luck!