Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're real southerners now...

OK not really. Not even close. I am not ready to embrace the frying of every kind of food imaginable. But we did attend our first ever Civil War reenactment. It was entertaining, and interesting. I am still trying to understand the appeal of brandishing a confederate flag and cheering for the Confederate army and booing the Yankees. The war ended like 200 years ago, right? Oh well. I guess that's why I am not a southerner. Enjoy the pics!

You can see some more on my flickr account, if you're just dying to see more rednecks.

1 comment:

K+C=M+K said...

I bet you loved watching that; I would have enjoyed it too! Although I am not a history buff, I think acting out history makes it so much more bearable.